luscinia DISCOS |
lus_14 |
M.Armani Construindo Sombras |
8 € gastos de envío (carta ordinaria) incluidos |
Construindo Sombras es el tercer trabajo solista del músico (percusionista e instrumentista de viento) improvisador y artista sonoro brasileño Marcelo Armani. Cuenta con la participación puntual del argentino Fernando Perales (ruidos y máquinas industriales en "Visita a Saturno") y de los chilenos Daniel Llermaly (bajo eléctrico en "E depois de manhanã, ainda segue sendo o mesmo de ontem") y Óscar Santis (dibujo en arte gráfico). Un álbum que comporta la práctica de la experimentación sonora y la libre composición. Cada pieza teje una textura particular con hilos de metalófonos, batería, clarinete, flauta, acordeón, objetos metálicos, de plástico y de vidrio, grabaciones de campo y samplers, creando motivos melódicos y rítmicos a los que les aplica manipulaciones estructurales como collages y loops. De esta guisa Marcelo Armani contruye y despliega diferentes paisajes, ambientes y texturas que conllevan perfiles urbanos que crecen entre la sombra y la esperanza. Un disco repleto de sonidos muy cuidados y tramas definitivamente cálidas, que toman el tiempo de la desenvoltura, con sutileza, interioridad, claridad, observación, reflexión, humanidad y denuncia. |
Fotografías y diseño gráfico de Marcelo Armani
Dibujo interior de Óscar Santis
Octubre de 2012
"E depois de manhanã, ainda segue sendo o mesmo de ontem" "El vuelo de chancina"
Críticas |
Marcelo Armani is a Brazilian drummer and woodwind player whose third solo album is a collection of comely chamber music built in the shadow of Brian Eno. That may sound a far-fetched, but heard with a certain tilt of the head, the pieces sound like palmy, woody renditions of the instrumental tracks on Another Green World. More specifically, because of the drumming, novel variations of the track “Sombre Reptiles.” — — " Recently Luscinia Discos became one of my favorite CDR labels. Excellent, almost professional packaging and great music, always by people I never heard of. Although the label is from Spain, it carries many links to South America. Like for instance the work of Marcelo Armani, from Brazil. He's mainly a drummer and percussion player, but here he also plays flutes, clarinet, accordion, plastic, glass and metal objects, samples and field recordings. His main interest is in improvised music; in 2012 he started the 1take label, which name says it all, I should think. However I don't believe his 'Construido Sombras', which is his third solo album, is all recorded in one take. This seems to me to be the construction of various sounds and instrumental passages cut together with perhaps the help of a computer. It's hard to pin this music down to a specific style. It carries bits of a lot of different interests. There is a rock like structures, free jazz like wind instruments, electro-acoustic sounds thrown about in the form of ongoing looped patterns. There touches of ethnic percussion. A fine sense of experimentation within song structure, which reminded me of the more daring new 'pop/postpunk' in the early 80s. A film music score in 'El Vuelo De Chancina'. Highly musical, yet very adventurous. Moving all over the place, yet blending it all together in a great way, making this is a very diversified disc, but one that sounds strangely familiar. Excellent! " (Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly #872, 5/3/2013)
Última actualización: 21 de julio de 2019