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 Antony Maubert  Panorama SO2




          Panorama SO2




 8 € 







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El compositor francés, residente en España, Antony Maubert nos plantea en su obra Panorama SO2 una reflexión sobre un asunto de actualidad de harta gravedad: las consecuencias de las emisiones de los tubos de escape en la atmósfera, que alteran su equilibrio y repercute en el de la naturaleza de la que formamos parte y de la que vivimos (aspecto, este último, que a veces se nos olvida). Antony Maubert lucha a través del sonido por mantener despierta nuestra consciencia. Sus planteamientos los desarrolla, a lo largo de los treinta y siete minutos que dura la obra, trasladándonos de los ambientes sonoros más abstractos en cuanto a forma, compuestos de capas y nubes de frecuencias que proliferan lentamente como nebulosas y que terminan eclipsando, desenvolviéndose en cierta penumbra, a grabaciones de máquinas a motor, puntuales y más figurativas, que desfogan a la vez que lucen, perfiladas y palpables, aportando la claridad que nos devuelve al conocido entorno dominantemente contaminado del mundo y de la sociedad de hoy, como una realidad que tenemos asumida, pero que es cruda; todo ello, sin dejar de pasar por intensos momentos de descarga improvisatoria, que provocan el deber de actuación ante una malsana situación como esta. El firme compromiso de nuestro autor le lleva a trabajar el hecho sonoro desde y hasta sus extremidades, con una fuerza evocadora franca y vital, aunque siempre dentro de un profundo cuidado del fluir, apelando a la vez al potencial físico del sonido y a la sutileza. Panorama SO2 es un trabajo que le sirve, una vez más, de herramienta de análisis y deconstrucción de la sociedad contemporánea. Antony Maubert es especialista en música acusmática y electrónica, recibiendo en 2006 el premio SACEM (Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de musique). El conjunto de su obra y quehaceres sonoros se mueve en un amplio campo de prácticas: composición instrumental y electroacústica, improvisación, performance, músicas para teatro y cortometrajes, instalaciones sonoras, invención y construcción de instrumentos electrónicos, organizador de festivales internacionales (La Zona, Ciclo UNDÆ!, Radical dB), y codirector y presentador de un programa de radio dedicado al arte sonoro en Radio Circulo de Bellas Artes (UNDÆ! Radio). Ha participado en numerosos eventos en diferentes países de América y Europa.


Arte gráfico

Brais Remeseiro Portela





Febrero de 2015


antony maubert




Vital Weekly #976 31/3/15

Onda Teatro 26/11/15









































" Antony Maubert (b. 1974) is a French sound artist currently living in Spain, whose music studies ran parallel to his classes in physics. Teacher of computer music, composer, organizer and theorist, he describes his creative acts as “analysis and deconstruction of contemporary society”, chiefly its downside, it would appear – crowds and power, violence, the destruction we wrought on / brought upon ourselves.

Panorama SO2 (as in the chemical formula for sulfur dioxide), Maubert sculpts toxic exhaust into a revolting cinema of the atmosphere under machine torture. Brand-new, shining, and well oiled, it runs fast, smooth and slick. An unwelcome atonal pitch works itself out of ear range. But the engine gets grittier and sputters. As it strains, it actually sings its own swan song. It weakens, entropy craving its tribute. Breaking down, miscarrying, a new jolt of energy keeps it kinetic. We are such skilled mechanics. A reboot, a terrible sputum of impurities, the air a miasma. Then quiet, but for an ominous seeping. The engine is ancient now, like a Model T, its rattling muffler pitted and rubbed raw with age, finally fizzling out.

Now imagine breathing all this in.
" (Stephen Fruitman, Avant Music News, 21/3/16)


" Originally from France, but living in Spain is Antony Maubert, who is a composer of acousmatic and electronic music, who also composes instrumental music, improvisation, performance and composes for theater, films, sound installation and organises festival. I don't see much references to previously released works on CDR or something like that. His new work deals with environmental issues, with the number 2 in subscript below the SO (always afraid such things get lost on websites, so I never use them) and it's about the "impact of emissions from tailpipes on the atmosphere". On the sombre but great looking package we don't find any information as to which sound sources have been used here, but for all I know it might be tailpipes of cars, especially in the first half of the piece. As a non-driver I am very rarely in cars or on auto routes and frankly I don't like it very much - hell, as a man I don't even talk cars (or football), not old ones that look great, and even hate 'Top Gear', which I know some people like who don't like cars - so I am in full support of this environmental struggle. The opening section, a heavy drone like piece taking about twelve solid minutes is only then faded over into something else which sounds like a computer processed version of the opening sounds. It then moves about until at the twenty-minute it comes to a complete full stop, before the engine slowly starts running again, but the second half is a bit more alien that the first half; still quite industrial and heavily on the deep, noisy drones. This is not music for the weak of heart. It's quite loud and dirty; it's also quite industrial and noisy, but all also very well composed and planned. All together it's quite a dark picture Antony Maubert paints, but he paints it very well. " (Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly #976, 31/3/15)



Última actualización: 21 de julio de 2019